1. Roxy
Music’s cover of “Like a Hurricane” was not one of the fine folk
songs performed by Matt Brandenburgh at last night’s Dionysium, but this seems
like a good week to dedicate it to everyone headed to New Orleans for the
American Political Science Association convention.
2. On another political/musical note, the
right-wing band Madison Rising is Kickstarting an album and tour.
3. I’ll be interviewed tomorrow night on the online TV show Rew and
Who? – which also
seeks your donations – and which you can watch live right here tomorrow
night (Wed.) if you want to catch me in the circa-5:30pm Eastern block.
4. I’ll still be done in time for everyone to switch over
to, say, CNN to see the video about Ron Paul and a speech by his son, Sen. Rand Paul, circa 8pm Eastern. As (A) a more or less libertarian, (B) the most
obvious inheritor of his father’s political mantle, (C) a member of the Senate
with a bit more nuance in dealing with mainstream Republicans than his dad
cared to display, and (D) recognized leader of the Tea Party movement, Rand
Paul is important and, depending on how things go this year, I’d like to see
him run for president himself in 2016. He
might be able to broaden his father’s coalition while actually winning the
White House and still being radical enough to rescue the nation.

•Gary Johnson
(the Libertarian Party candidate – close enough for me)
•Paul Ryan (there
are at least some less-radical libertarians who will suck it up once again this
year and vote Republican in November – and if they do, it will likely be more
because of the quasi-Ayn Rand fan in the v.p. slot than because of Romney,
business-friendly though both men are)
•waiting until 2016 and voting for Rand Paul
•simply never voting
again – which may be just as popular an option – unless some of those
non-voting, near-anarchist libertarians are lured back into electoral politics by
the occasional rising young libertarian candidate such as Justin Amash.
These four options, abstracted, really represent
(respectively): go third party; accept
a major party; transform a major
party; and give up on the system altogether (but not on liberty, which can be
pursued in countless private ways, both subversively and hermitically).
5. All that’s a reminder that real-world politics is messier
than political theory. Indeed, if
political science professor Jacob Levy
survives the aforementioned hurricane down at the APSA convention [UPDATE: I don't think he's going after all], maybe in a
few months I’ll owe him due to the bet we made about whether Obama would grow
government more than Bush (looks like Obama’s on track last I knew by about 22%
vs. 18%, first term vs. first term, but I admit it’s close, a reminder how much
contingent factors matter and how little purported philosophy counts in DC).
Jacob’s pessimistic assessment of the right, at least as he
stated it once years ago, puts U.S. conservatism in international perspective,
in a disturbing way.
Why be surprised
the right pays so little attention to free markets, Jacob once asked, when all
over the globe, conservatives have shown that what really tends to matter to
them are (A) religion, (B) the military, and (C) aristocracy (meaning
established corporate elites in the U.S., perhaps)? When you put it that way, perennial
disappointment of libertarians by the GOP should be no surprise.
6. Every time Romney
criticizes Obama for cutting Medicare, he may pick up an elderly vote, but
he will also make me wish I could vote
for Gary Johnson an additional time (Romney, when he does this, even
reminds me why I sympathized with Rick Perry briefly last year).
7. An aside regarding The
New Yorker: to avoid any danger of readers thinking Andy Borowitz’s “reports”
are true stories, I honestly think he has an obligation to make them funny once
in a while. (WHY DOES HIS JOB EXIST?)
8. Meanwhile, over in New York magazine, it’s nice to see Jonathan
Chait admit that liberals dominate the movies (h/t Mark Judge). (The next logical step for him, I think, is
ceasing to be liberal himself.)
9. At least the culture beyond Washington coughs up
something libertarian-in-spirit once in a while, and I think the movie The Changeling (which I finally saw
thanks to Chuck Blake) counts. (The tale
of a lost child and police negligence is also a good piece of evidence in favor
of paranoia being a necessary tool against statism, much as I prefer calm and
rationality.) I only wish director Clint
Eastwood, star Angelina Jolie, and writer J. Michael Straczynski had reteamed
for Atlas Shrugged, as was once
thought possible.
10. On another culture note, this is my summary of every week’s New York Times Best-Sellers list: Nazis, the Olympics, the Civil War,
Malcolm Gladwell (who’s speaking in Brooklyn on Sept. 18, by the way), Heaven,
JFK, and something with kids and/or pets.
I think we’re about done with this culture.
1 comment:
I think I'm going to write a book that includes all those topics and thereby conquer the bestseller list permanently.
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