•Vegans: Clearly, vegans would oppose eating more meat. They even oppose using animal-related
products such as cheese, unlike the cheese enthusiast who wrote the fourth Oct.
18 article visible at the revealing site BuzzfeedMinusGIFs. (h/t Ed
•Hunters: For contrast.
•Otherkin: Virtually anytime intellectuals talk about culture,
rather than just law, they easily veer into assuming that Priority #1 must be:
preaching some form of open-mindedness, tolerance, and/or relativism.
By contrast, I think trying to prevent the culture from producing videos like this may need
to be a much higher priority (though solely through voluntary means, such as the
all-important institution of shaming). I
suspect such videos will be happening with a growing frequency as more of these
folk claim to be “animal-identifying” or spiritually connected to wolves, etc.
SIDENOTE: Things could of course be weirder than the
otherkin. In this video, for
instance, Astral Bob reminds one and all to remain calm while exiting astral
projection (“stay frosty,” says Bob -- and there’s just something so
action-movie about that, as though the hippies should shout, “This is it! We’re goin’ in!!”).
And today is the thirty-fifth
anniversary of the Valentich UFO disappearance, for those keeping track of
such things.
•Franciscans: How nice to the animals should we be? The folks at the Catholic church across the
street from Muchmore’s might have an interesting perspective.
More about St. Francis and his ilk in the near future,
though, as I blog about Chesterton’s take on him. Tonight belongs to DIONYSUS.
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