3. But then, as artist Milo
Manara said in defense of his Spider-Woman cover, we shouldn’t take it for
granted that appreciation equals oppression, no matter which gender is gawking
at which. In comics, they’re all idealized cartoons of physical perfection. They’re
here, they’re rears, get used to it.
Their creators’ punishment will come when they try to
translate all of those outfits into working film costumes in the years ahead.
4. Maddox sums up the stupidity of the
whole controversy and the hypocrisy of multiple critics masterfully, as he
so often does.
5. Mollie
Ziegler Hemingway reacted similarly to the oddly-divergent feminist responses
to racy performances by Sofia Vergara
and Beyonce.
6. Well, I’m just glad big female asses are the new
battleground in the culture wars, frankly. No complaints from me. Big n’ curvy beats
in a flat, 2D universe, though scientists
claim we may.
7. Meanwhile, a real-life Batman ignores it all and rides
his motorcycle in Japan, looking awesome.
8. If we got rid of feminism and thus had anything remotely
resembling honest, sane conversations about sex in this culture, maybe we’d be
able to talk about weird facts like female
teachers who have sex with their teen students tending to
be fairly hot (for teacher). I’m not the only one who’s noticed this, and
it’s a bit counterintuitive, since you’d think they have other options.
9. Someone will probably call me misogynist somehow for that
last observation, but that’s no longer any surprise. You can be called sexist
for virtually anything these days, no matter how unrelated to sex, such as
criticizing a revered figure like Progressive gangster-statist Hillary Clinton or a pseudo-scientific
anti-GMO/anti-biotech activist like Vandana
Shiva (h/t Dan Greenberg).
10. The media always treat any female-led fantasy story as
if no women have ever appeared in literature or on film before -- and pat
themselves on their liberal backs for the lie -- but in 1984, for example, my
favorite comic book was a short-lived series called Thriller about a ghostly
woman leading a superheroic team of early-twenty-first-century New Yorkers
(including an Italian family nicknamed Salvo, like the pizza place in my
neighborhood today), in a world dominated by computer networks, politicized
cable news, Islamic terrorists who behead journalists, biotech, surveillance
systems, and a black U.S. president.
11. Reality has to a large extent caught up with the (pre-Neuromancer!) cyberpunk of my youth,
apparently, but I still find myself longing at times for stranger characters to
populate the real world and make it as colorful as comics -- and that may
explain how I end up at events like Jessica
Delfino’s eccentrics-filled CD release party on the East River a couple
months ago, which included performance art done beside and atop a piano
apparently washed up out of the East River.
Her finale song “Hipster” was particularly amusing and apt,
and you can hear it and other
tracks here, which may inspire you to buy her CD and hear other numbers,
like the one about her bicycle getting stuck in the middle of the highway.
12. Alas, a gathering of artist hipsters like that one, much
like a trip to Burning Man, invariably means you also run into characters like that nearly-naked bearded guy who
rushes up and hugs people in Washington Square Park (the sort of thing that
would probably get essay-length denunciations from some of the people noted
earlier in this blog entry if a conservative ran around doing it).
Thanks to a friend’s Facebook post, I had noted the bearded
guy’s existence with a shudder mere days before he was hugging several of us at
the Delfino event. I had refrained from commenting on the Facebook post that
the fellow looked deranged to me -- and, crucially, no freer than the rest of
us in any sense that matters. Now I sort of wish I had said as much before
encountering him, but I err on the side of tolerance.
13. If you look and act a bit like an animal, I suppose it’s
like being an anarcho-primitivist --
that is, one of a subset of “green anarchists” who believe in living in
a feral manner to undermine industrial civilization. I found myself chastised
recently for not carefully distinguishing between anarcho-primitivists and
other green anarchists when denouncing freegans on Facebook, which gives you
some idea how hard it is for even a right-leaning guy to escape left-saturated
culture online these days.
14. But I’m not anti-weirdo, and at Delfino’s aforementioned
June 28 event, it was surprising how many of my favorite weirdoes
showed up, even in a relatively small crowd, from libertarian Jim Melloan to Occupy-sympathizing
Valerie Bronte. I didn’t even know some of these people knew each other, but
put on odd makeup and beat a puppet in public or what have you, and you get
some familiar suspects turning up in this oddly small town called New York.
15. Another gaggle of weirdoes I deal with, of course, is my
fellow libertarians, and -- getting back to the gender topic -- I see Cathy Reisenwitz, the left-libertarian and
feminist, now says she’s leaving the movement after a couple years of
threatening to water it down or transform it into socialism or infuse it with
guilt over non-egalitarian “privilege.”
16. In far manlier news, a comic book came out this week (Original Sin #8) in which an elderly Col. Nick Fury, all alone and without S.H.I.E.L.D.
at his back, attempted to fend off an entire assembled army of Marvel
superheroes and a few villains, who were all pissed because he seized the
magical, all-seeing eyeballs of the dead Watcher who lived on the Moon, knowing
one could thereby run defensive covert ops throughout space and time.
A grizzled man’s man like Fury doesn't just back down, and
we should pause to salute him (after what may have been his final hour).
17. In other comics-related news, I say see Frank Miller’s hilariously hyper-noir
and poetically violent Sin City: A Dame
to Kill For, quickly before it vanishes from theatres, and try not to get
confused if your memory of the first film is a bit fuzzy.
18. It’s not quite a “Wanted” poster, but you might also
take note of this missing cat poster
in my neighborhood -- perhaps even solve the mystery of his disappearance like
an old-timey gumshoe if you’re feeling ambitious, pal.
19. That prior thought is a reminder that despite my
appreciation for the likes of macho Frank Miller, I know I am not so unlike a “crazy old cat lady” at heart. Nothing
wrong with cats.
20. Nothing wrong with strong dames, either, and I think
feminists these days have to go to great lengths to convince themselves men who
object to feminism want women to be weak -- whereas the truth is more often
that we oppose feminism because we want less whining. I always liked strong-seeming
women like the late Lauren Bacall.
21. Most outspoken women, fortunately, are not like this feminist (h/t Jon Rowe) who ostensibly wants
to reduce the male population by 90%. That hate springs from weakness and
pettiness, not from strength.
Feminism, more so than almost any popular political
in the contemporary world, is blatant self-serving partisanship. It’s right
there in the name, and don’t try to deny it. Why would that relentless
partisanship not logically lead, in some cases, to the desire to eradicate the
natural enemy?
22. It also leads to things like this piece
listing the writer’s fifteen favorite songs about killing or hating men.
23. It’s not surprising there are bad men in the world, but
it’s also hardly surprising these days that people suspect feminists like Anita
Sarkeesian of faking death threats against herself to make her appear a more
convincing feminist martyr.
Perhaps feminism
should have been rejected out of hand when it first arose, except in so far as
it attacked specific false claims pushed by other political factions (that
women can’t do science or handle property or what have you).
But to the extent it instead asserted that women must be the equals of men in all things,
or that any remaining discrepancies must
redound to the benefit of women, or that the discrepancies must always be the result of an anti-female historical conspiracy
-- whatever tactic they think will work best at a given moment -- it is a
non-empirical, baseless assertion of claims that ought instead to be settled by
dispassionate empirical analysis. It is faith.
We would not think highly of a movement called, say,
Greenlandism that took it as central to the very meaning of justice that
Greenlanders must be as intelligent,
etc., as all other populations in the world or else be considered victims of a
global conspiracy. We would immediately see this as absurd special pleading
akin to white supremacism or any other, well, chauvinism. Discard feminism or
stand revealed as a partisan intellectual fraud, says I.
And one must suspect that half of feminists’ rage comes from
them knowing that despite all their haranguing on behalf of “sensitivity,”
their own sisters are betraying them to chase stoic “real men” at every (increasingly
rare) opportunity.
24. One of the glorious (and female) oddballs at that Delfino
event was famed performance artist “Rev. Jen” Miller, who was nice enough to
loan me her copy of I,
Fellini -- the great director’s de facto autobiography as
recounted to writer Charlotte Chandler. Rev. Jen didn’t merely describe it as
her favorite book but as a summary of her own attitude toward art -- and it’s
charming that in both her case and Fellini’s,
art that is known for weirdness turns out to be a product not of high-faluting,
alienating, abstract, avant-garde theory as one might expect but of quite
old-fashioned nostalgia and sentimentality and playfulness and desire for
Rev. Jen is notoriously ringmaster-like, with her shows full
of strange friends allowed to run amok in pretty much any vaguely artful
fashion they choose -- and Fellini admits he was inspired throughout his life
by the simple desire to run away with the circus (as he briefly did as a child)
and to capture the sense of dreamlike wonder he experienced reading American
comics like Popeye and Little Nemo. If Fellini puts a dwarf in a movie, despite
what your film professor told you, it was probably because he once met a dwarf
and really found him likable, not because he wanted to undermine narrative
expectations by challenging bourgeois notions of spatial relations in the mise en scene blah blah blah.
25. So anyway, here’s hoping donors help rescue Rev. Jen’s “Troll
Museum,” a.k.a. her apartment full of Troll
dolls, or failing that give her some sweet new job or HQ from which to work
slightly less shabby magic, now that we’re all getting old and in theory more
26. She has to keep doing art, though, since I’m supposed to
play a werewolf victim in one of her
upcoming low-budget films (sorry about the delay on that).
27. You may scoff, but Janeane
Garofalo showed up at Rev.
Jen’s Troll Museum “benefit” last month -- another reminder of the thin line
between weirdo and establishment figure.
28. You will glimpse Garofalo once in a while if you move
amongst Village/Lower East Side low-rent artist folk (or maybe had reason to be
backstage at Politically Incorrect
back in the day), but perhaps my most significant Garofalo-related experience
was the time she didn’t show up at
the taping of a rock video at a country-Western-themed bar in the Village, as
it was rumored she would, leading to me trying to kill time by playing several
songs by virtually the only singer I knew on the country-filled jukebox, k.d. lang (who I’d liked ever since
seeing her spirited performance of “Jingle Bell Rock” on the surreal and oddly
gay Pee-Wee Herman Christmas special back in 1988).
The Lou Albano-like bartender/owner actually came out from
behind the bar and unplugged the jukebox, erasing all my (paid-for!) selections,
and proclaimed with a boldness shocking in a Village business owner (and a
Western-themed one, no less): “Somebody keep the dykes away from the jukebox!”
I guess I got marginalized that day.
29. In other weird-artist-lady news, I see neo-Victorian
cartoonist Dame Darcy refers to Lisa Carver’s new
two-books-for-the-price-of-one deal as “two-book-ulosis.” That’s good pun.
30. Carver was one of the first prominent people I ever
heard speak at a public event about having someone close to her grilled by the
FBI over purported terror suspicions without her knowing why. It happens.
By contrast, I plan to hear a former CIA director, James Woolsey, face a mixed crowd of
likely-supportive conservatives and likely-unsupportive libertarians on Tuesday
the 9th, and it should be interesting what mix of questions this real-life Nick
Fury, so to speak, faces. Half anti-ISIS, half anti-CIA? We shall see.
31. I am, as on so many topics, the model of reasoned
balance when it comes to the question of nationalism. Love the U.S., by all
means, but not in the way that moron senator Chuck Schumer of New York does: by
trying to forbid companies like Burger
King from moving to Canada to decrease their (massive and higher than
globally normal) taxes.
If it’s a choice between American socialism and a
burger-based monarchy, I will side with the latter. And I would hope any
conservative who’s ever praised markets and any liberal who’s ever praised
draft-dodgers would feel the same way. Don’t blame the victim here (and don’t
be taken in by those heavily union-funded “spontaneous” fast food worker protests,
32. And here’s hoping voters opposed to police states -- yes,
including people with vaginas and/or neoconservative impulses -- vote Rand Paul over Hillary Clinton if that’s
the choice we face in the futuristic year 2016 A.D. Already the Democrats --
Democrats! -- are beginning to condemn his “isolationism,” which gives you some
idea how willing they are to shift their positions around when they fear
someone might be coming to shrink their precious big government in any way.
Enough of this crap.
33. Justin Stoddard, by the way, notes the aforementioned
Amanda Marcotte also wrote a whole piece calling libertarians insincere in
their (longstanding) denunciation of police-state thuggery like that in Ferguson, yet herself has mentioned
such problems in only one prior column, by his count, whereas she writes
endlessly about the most trivial purported abuses of the patriarchy. Easy to
look better than libertarians -- if you lie.
34. Interestingly, though some neocons think Rand Paul isn’t
pro-Israel enough (or rather, just plain think he isn’t militaristic enough), Roger Waters thinks Paul is especially
and excessively pro-Israel. You can’t please everyone, not even a guy who
probably ought to be a little more cautious about flapping his gums on this issue
after becoming famous for doing
songs like these (not that they aren’t great).
35. Do hawks
really prefer the idea of, say, WWIII with Russia to “isolation,” by the way?
I’m not even sure how seriously to take people’s multi-layered posturing in
this era of irony, bickering, and blaming, really.
36. It is sad that, as many have noticed, we have reached the
point where speaking clearly and boldly is so rare that aged figures like the late Joan
Rivers and the still-aging Don Rickles seem like models of un-p.c. heroism transported
from a less-cowardly age.
37. In a great real-life reductio,
one woman claims to
have PTSD from an overly-emotional anti-harassment workshop, reports
Katherine Timpf.
38. None of my worries about feminist faux-tolerance and
liberal whining, of course, excuse people like that gay young man’s parents, footage of whom attacking him for
being gay went viral -- and ultimately, the right to exit is the important
thing in life, legally speaking. Once you’re out of the house, they can’t make
you go to church. Remember that -- then focus on eliminating government, which
does not let people exit so easily.
39. Half the world’s problems, including perhaps much of the
panic over our purported “rape culture” lately -- which apparently wasn’t fixed
by the campaign a couple decades ago to remind everyone no means no -- might
well be alleviated if people honestly learned to say no, as Michael Malice
40. Be tough when necessary, a bit like Debbie Harry, who I watched bite the tops off a bouquet of flowers
thrown onstage at her first, unadvertised comeback performance with Blondie in
2000. And on Sept. 23, check
out bandmate Chris Stein’s book of mostly-unseen photos of the band’s early
days, Negative (h/t Marc
41. Or at least be tough like Lego Iron Maiden
(h/t Julia Perrotta).
42. You might also take a lesson from punk singer Tibbie X, though when I saw her perform
with new band Gash the other night, she noted the audience was in her
estimation “80% Satanists,” which I’m not necessarily endorsing (the Church of
Satan is real, though mostly-joking).
43. And despite a guy I know from my earliest debate-hosting
days who goes by the nickname Agent
Bleach showing up at the performance, I’m pretty confident the guy near the
front of the crowd wearing bondage gear wasn’t a mutual acquaintance of ours.
The sight of him was unsettling, though, as you never know what punk Satanism
might tempt quiet souls to do.
By contrast, I do endorse Tibbie’s performance of “I Wanna
Be Your Dog” with a burlesque dancer leading her on a collar. Consistency is a
hobgoblin of small minds or something.
44. The recurring
rock show in question, Gotham Grindhouse (hosted by the lovely and generous “Comtessa
MoriVond”) at Tammany Hall, was augmented, as is often the case among the
hip, by wall projections showing trashy old film clips, and I must say it was
one of the more impressive trash montages I have ever seen, with everything
from Godzilla to the lurid trailer for Truck
Stop Women.
Just as it was in
NYC a century ago (the days of Progressives and flappers), there’s the wussy
sort of liberalism that awaits government instructions, and there’s the kind
that creates DIY decadence. The latter is
45. But all the culture notes above will probably be looked
back upon by historians as trivial next to the news that Julia Allison married herself at Burning Man. That’s one way to
escape the often-painful gender wars in this crazy world.
1 comment:
Ah yes, Thriller. I remember the promos :
"The lady's name is Angelique Thriller. And she has Seven Seconds with which to save the world"
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