We’re discussing at the bar, being discussed in TimeOut, and more:
(a) Tue., July 22, at 8pm: Debates at Lolita Bar presents a panel discussion: Women Who Have Sold Their Eggs — with egg-producers Valerie Bronte (5′10″ Foucault-studying grad student), Diana Fleischman (evolutionary psychology expert), and Kerry Howley (senior editor, Reason magazine), pictured above in that order, except I couldn’t find Valerie so I used the DC Comics supervillain Egg Fu (fitting, since the whole panel was Scott Nybakken’s idea) [UPDATE 7/17/08: A fourth panelist, biology-trained finance-sector whiz Marie Huber, will also join us and is now visible above right].
Hosted by Todd Seavey and moderated by Michel Evanchik.
On the basement level of Lolita Bar at 266 Broome St. at the corner of Allen St. on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, one block south and three west of the Delancey St. F, J, M, Z subway stop. Free admission.
(b) AND WE’RE FEATURED IN TIMEOUT NEW YORK THIS WEEK (the July 16-22 issue, p. 46 and in Listings), so everyone cool will be there (and speaking of cool, the a.c. will definitely be on).
(c) After this, our August debate is also coming up alarmingly fast (back on our usual first-Wednesday-of-the-month) — but what will it be about? If — and only if — you are a pair of articulate but bitterly divided opponents on some widely-contested topic willing to duke it out in public at 8pm on Aug. 6, let me know [UPDATE: Make that Aug. 13, 8pm, when Muhammed Rum and Pamela Geller Hannah Meyers contest the question "Is Israel Oppressing the Palestinians?"].
(d) In the meantime, behold the finale of my forty-part, twenty-years-recounting Retro-Journal, this Friday here on the blog.
(e) And with that concluded, it’s time for that book-writing semi-hermitude, long delayed. Be thankful I got the autobiographical stuff out of my system already, leaving more time for commie-bashing and Ramones jokes.
(f) Finally: whereas next Tuesday’s panel of young women sell eggs to make babies, old ladies kill for money — by running over homeless people, like something out of Death Race — or Joker’s Gotham — per this alarming article (which will give you something to talk about until Friday’s Retro-Journal finale).
[...] It just so happens that in the past two days, my friend Scott Nybakken saw Journey to the Center of the Earth and a certain already-acclaimed, very dark movie about a superhero known for living in a cave at times, and then tonight he and I both bid farewell to Ellie Hanlon, a cave-explorer (as were two friends of hers from Ukraine who were present) who’s moving to Austin, TX, home of Diana Fleischman (one of our panelists Tuesday at Lolita Bar) and L.B. Deyo (co-founder of the debate series itself). [...]
I will be there. I’m 26 and conceived via an anonymous sperm donor. I have some very strong opinions about this whole business.
[...] Last week I participated in a panel discussion with three women who had, like me, exchanged some ova for cash. It was in a bar basement; everyone was drinking; and my co-panelists–Valerie Bronte, Diana Fleischman, and Marie Huber–happened to be insanely funny, smart people who changed my mind about a few aspects of the process. [...]
I’ve put up photos from the event at
[...] •…and a topic of interest to both me and Kerry, given our mutual interest in science-based reproductive alternatives, is the denunciation by leftist doofus Thomas Frank of Alex Kuczynski — who was one of my fellow St. Martin’s Press editorial assistants back when I worked there. She has now caused female-type controversy of her own by marrying a billionaire, hiring a surrogate mom (since Alex’s womb wasn’t working, which you’d think would earn her some sympathy), and then making the mistake of enthusing, in her capacity as a New York Times writer, about how hiring the impoverished surrogate enabled Alex to stay thin and rich and enjoy her four homes (and when I say thin, crucially, I also mean the strong-shoulders, used-to-be-on-the-swim-team type thin, something I think we can all applaud). [...]
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