Monday, April 1, 2013

Going Mostly-Offline for Real (plus the Fixx, Bigfoot, and superheroes)

April Fool’s Day or not, I’m really going to kick the Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, and e-mail addictions – in part to give me more time for things like editing the comics section of the soon-to-launch, writing a series of more serious political essays, ghostwriting, and more (including stuff for you, perhaps, if you want me to add your project in these areas or TV production or radio commentary or such to the schedule). 

My friend Kyle Smith here summarizes some great reasons to spend less time online.  Read it if you still have a sufficient attention span (h/t fellow crypto-semi-Luddite Kevin Walsh).  By contrast, ignore Kyle’s kind words about G.I. Joe Retaliation.

But there are entertaining moments coming up in April to keep you occupied while I’m mostly-silent (really, despite me posting this on April Fool’s Day):

April 7: If you know me and want to join me for the Fixx, let me know before someone else claims the second ticket I have – and here’s a fan’s video for their song “Saved by Zero” using footage from Tron Legacy (I think this marks exactly 40 times I’ve mentioned that band online, by the way – fitting for one of the coolest acts ever to grace the Top 40).

April 8: I think our Dionysium topic on Monday the 8th (8pm at Muchmore’s) may be the timely one of gay marriage – but contact me one week prior if you want to volunteer to debate that or a different topic.  

Announcing (not to mention planning) the Dionysium events farther in advance is one of the few things I’ll keep using Blogger, Twitter, Facebook, and e-mail for – but I’ll provide links here to other big impending projects as well. 

April 13: The conspiracy theorists I’ve so often mocked despite their vigilant, paranoid resistance to the powers that be (including in my “Conspiracy Week” of entries just ended) might want to note that the 13th will mark exactly 6 decades, 6 months, and 6 days since the barcode was patented.  Plan accordingly.  Then pay your taxes.

April 24: The best-organized group of purported UFO witnesses, the ones behind the so-called Disclosure Project that has held attention-getting press conferences of ex-military people and the like at the National Press Club, will take their best shot at convincing the world we are not alone – and that the government possesses alien technology – when they release the new documentary Sirius. 

If that doesn’t contain proof, I never want to hear from the extraterrestrial-believers again.

April 30: Coincidentally, one of the most-hyped Bigfoot documentaries, Shooting Bigfoot, will be released six days after the UFO one, at the Hot Docs film festival in Toronto.  The site has vowed to shut down if this documentary doesn’t contain persuasive footage of a Bigfoot eating and then being shot and preserved (in Las Vegas) for study (by a guy who admits he’s previously faked a dead Bigfoot). 

If that doesn’t contain proof, I never want to hear from the Bigfoot-believers again.

[NOTE: That report of an Avengers/X-Men movie crossover was an April Fool’s story.]

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