Tuesday, February 5, 2013

DIONYSIUM 2/11: Which Is Better, 80s Music or 90s Music?

Painful as it is to see a young, hip couple arguing in Williamsburg shortly before Valentine's Day, that's what happens when the Dionysium asks:

"Which Is Better: 80s Music or 90s Music?" 


Olivia Bruno (tchotchke merchant and 80s music fan barely alive in the 80s)


Matt Brandenburgh (folk musician, filmmaker, and 90s music fan)

Hip gets ugly Monday, Feb. 11 (8pm) at the Muchmore's performance space, just one quick L stop into Williamsburg from Manhattan (walk three blocks east of the Bedford Ave. L stop to 2 Havemeyer St.).

There'll be 80s and 90s music playing when they're not debating, craft beers on tap, and ample audience discussion – led by me, moderator Todd Seavey.

In other music news:

•Above are two pics from a similarly-themed event: an appearance at the Strand I attended by Joy Division bassist Peter Hook (seen in discussion and seen standing adjacent to young anarcho-capitalist Allison Oldak).

•This Thursday, Feb. 7, marks twenty years since Carmen Electra’s first shot at fame, a failed rap album produced by the greatest of all musical-hot-chick mentors, Prince, that effectively ended her music career.  Do not weep for her.  She has endured.  (This history factoid may not reflect well on either 90s or 80s music, really.  They can’t all be winners, though.)

P.S. And at this blog, my January "Month of Law" gives way to a February "Month of Love."  Awww.  (That means, for instance, that instead of blogging about Judge Napolitano’s most recent book, as I did last month, I’ll be blogging next week about Jeffrey Eugenides’ The Marriage Plot, which is set at Brown in the 80s.)

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