Wednesday, December 6, 2006

DEBATE AT LOLITA BAR: "New Orleans and Ground Zero" (with 4 Seavey articles)

One last time before fissioning into two separate, mighty entities, Jinx and the Lolita Bar Debates I host summon you (and suggest those who receive these e-mails only via the Jinx Yahoo list, with “[jinxlist]” at the start of the subject header, e-mail me to be on the henceforth separate debate e-list), especially interested Louisianans and urban explorers:

Wed., Dec. 6 (8pm), join a discussion of ruination and rebuilding in New Orleans and at Ground Zero in Manhattan, moderated by Michel Evanchik and featuring:

–Science and medical writer Marilynn Larkin on the topic of evacuation and disaster preparedness

–New Orleans native, writer, and Epicurious editor Jolene Bouchon on Katrina vs. her family

–Proof Magazine editor Stephen Davis on his vision for making Ground Zero usable again

That’s 12/6 at 8pm, downstairs at Lolita Bar (free admission, cash bar), 266 Broome St. (at Allen St.) on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, one block south and three west of the Delancey St. Subway stop.

Those who can’t join us might still enjoy an old piece I did for Proof about Rawhide Kid, by the way:

And check out these new articles I wrote (three with the help of the Phillips Foundation) on (1) superheroes and eugenics (and kicking the comic-collecting habit at last), (2) crazed primates, (3) the real depth of the problem of trying to limit government, (4) and — in keeping with the theme of our 12/6 event — Ground Zero and architectural good taste:

“Does Anybody Really Know How to Limit Government?”

You may have seen some of these if you’ve checked out the still-skeletal — which will be magically transformed into the real blog it always dreamt of being by New Year’s (when 2007 ushers in more debates, real blogging, and more monthly bar gatherings — separate from and unrelated to the ones described above — at McGee’s for any interested non-left media folk not already signed up for those). In the meantime, happy Festivus and happy Chrismukkah, and by all means check out Allen Salkin’s year-old book and Gersh Kuntzman’s brand-new book (respectively) on those quasi-real holidays.

P.S. If you’re a family of avid Star Wars collectors, you are wanted for participation in an ABC primetime reality series (with actual money), so e-mail tara.fogarty[at] if you’re interested.

(NOTE: The above was sent as a mass e-mail in the days prior to the debate and was posted on this blog retroactively in April 2007. Click here for other Debates at Lolita Bar.)

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